Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Sometimes I post a blog and then erase it because I am bored by what I had written.

I have a bad habit of eating sugar.

I ate chocolate cake at 8pm, tonight. I think I will not get to sleep until midnight or afterward.

Although I appear nonjudgmental, I am flawed-if for some reason you could not guess.

I really want to ask the girls at the salon if they would be interested in volunteering for a day doing an out-reach (ministry) cutting kids/adults hair for back-to-school. It has been on my heart a lot, but I am not sure who to talk to about it or if it is even legal.

We are not guaranteed tomorrow, only today. Live life to the fullest. If you have unresolved issues, tend to them. If you have broken relationships, mend them. If you have a heavy heart or a broken one, accept it, share it, express it.

Whatever you do, live life.

Blessings to you all

1 comment:

Kim Codd said...

Michelle- I love the idea of giving haircuts to children in need. What a great way to use your gifts for the Lord. If your salon doesn't want to do it, you could always just volunteer your services on a Wednesday night at Tulakes Church or First Indian. I am sure that there are plenty of children there who need haircuts.